S125 :
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2010
Abstarct: Since the drought is known as one of the most important factors limiting the growth and production of crops and causes changes in some morphological and physiological characteristics of plant growth, applying beneficial microorganisms to reduce damage caused by environmental stress is considered as an innovative solution in sustainable agriculture. In order to investigate this issue an experiment was conducted on beans plants in Shahroud University Research farm as a spilit plot factorial baxsed on completely randomized blocks in 3 replications in 1388. The main factor was deficit irrigation stress in 3 levels including: control treatment, deficit irrigation at 50% flowering and deficit irrigation at 50% poding. The sub factor contained nitrogen stabilizer bacteria in 2 levels including control treatment and bacteria applying, phosphate solubilizing bacteria in 3 levels including control, Bacillus coagulanz and Pseudomonas putida. deficit irrigation at 50% poding caused the total plant weight, stem dry weight, pod length, 100-seed weight, seed yield and biological yield decreased. Also deficit irrigation at 50% flowering decreased the seed number. in deficit irrigation at 50% flowering and deficit irrigation at 50% poding, leaf dry weight, plant height, number of lateral branches, first pod distance from the soil surface, pod number and pod dry weight statistically were at the same level. Although deficit irrigation at 50% poding had more negative effect. Plants inoculating with Rhizobium leguminozarum had significant impact on nodule number, nodule dry and fresh weight and the other expressed traits except harvest index and pod length. So as consumption of this bacteria caused the expressed traits to increase. Effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria such as nitrogen stabilizer bacteria had significant impact on all traits except harvest index and pod length. In all the treatment compounds Pseudomonas putida had the most effect. The interaction of deficit irrigation stress and Rhizobium leguminozarum on plant and stem dry weight, plant height, number of lateral branches, first pod distance from the soil surface, pod dry weight, 100-seed weight, biological yield and harvest index were significant. Plants that did not faced any water deficit and inoculated with showed the higher amount of these traits. The interaction of water deficit stress and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria on stem dry weight and 100-seed weight was significant. The results showed that plant inoculating increases the stress tolerance. Effect of simultaneously using bacteria inoculation and nitrogen stabilizer bacteria on stem and total plant dry weight, first pod distance from the soil surface, seed yield, 100-seed weight and biological yield were significant. The results indicate that simultaneously using of these bacteria had stronger effect on plant traits. Interaction of the three factors had no effect on plant characteristics.
#nitrogen stabilizer bacteria- phosphate solubilizing bacteria- deficit irrigation stress- growth index- yield of Viga sinensis Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University