QE76 : Neotectonic deformation in Ardal-Dopolan area (Southwest of Shahrekord)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2012
Abstarct: Ardal-Dopolan region is a part of High Zagros sedimentary structural zone, which is located in southwest of Shahre-Kord. In this research, deformation of rock units that cropouts in the studied area, consist of folding and faulting with a special view to neotectonic deformation, has been investigated. Stratigraphic investigation in this area shows occurrence of Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations. The Main faults in this area such as Ardal, Dopolan, Bar Aftab, Maryak, Chah-Sorkheh and Behesht Abab have northwest-sotheast trend and right lateral strike slip mechanism.Others east west faults like Kordan, Dashtak and show reverse mechanism. The studying of fold geometry in this area baxsed on existing geological maps, satellite images and field geology demonstrate that general trend of folding is northwest-southeast to east-west. The change in trend of folds from northwest-southeast to east-west is due to changes in direction of movement of Arabian plate and the following changes in orientation of maximum pressure axis. Paleostress analysis baxsed on folding and fault slip analysis show that direction of maximum stress has been changed from northeast-southwest to north-south then to north, northwest-south southeast from Late Pliocene. This stress field are compatible with dominant right lateral mechanism in faults with northwest-southeast trend and with dominant reverse mechanism in faults with east-west trend.
#Ardal-Dopolan #Shahre-Kord #Neotectonic #High Zagros
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University