QE74 : The study of melt distribution in mafic dikes cutting the Delbar-Biyarjomand mextamorphic complex by means of AMS method and determination of their paleopole position.
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2012
Abstarct: Delbar igneous mextamorphic complex located in southeast of shahrood in east of Biyarjomand with the Neoporotozoic age. This complex include of extent range of mextamorphic rock such as micaschist, garnet-micaschist, gneise and amphibolite. This complex cut by diabasic dikes with mostly northeast – southwest trend. Thickness of these dikes varied from many centimeter to three meter. Plagioclase from oligoclase and labradorite types with pyroxen and ougite are major rock forming minerals in these dikes. baxsed on field observation and geochemistry analysis demonstrated that these dikes have a gabbroic composition and therefore better that call to these dikes” diabasic dikes”. Consider to field surveys and cut the detrital sequence comprise of shale, sandstone and congolomerate with lower Jurrasic age and another side cover of this sequence by Jurassic limestone, age of emplacement of these dikes related to late of Early Jurassic to Middle Jurassic. In north of central of Iran near to Gaznavi Bridge (north of Shahrood) to Cheshme Ali (north of Damgan) shale and sandstone sequences (with the Jurassic age) cut by diabasic dike that we studied in this thesis and this evidence index of one large scale opening that occurred in Late Jurassic. On some dikes in 14 station obtained many specimen by core drilling for the investigate of melt distribution and determination of paleolatitude. So that totally private of 650 core in standard wide that studied in laboratory of Shahrood Technology of University and Paleomagnetism laboratory of geology accosiation of Tehran.
Primary studied show that value of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility for these dikes variable from 500 to 31000 μSI, but the mean of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility is equal of 9500μSI. Obtained results showed variation in ferromagnetic minerals such as magnetite and hematite and vary of mafic minerals specially pyroxen in this rocks. In other word there is a linear relation between of value of mean anisotropy and lithology composition for these dikes.
Magnetic lineation and foliation respect of interpretation of K1, K2 and K3 revaeled that firstly distribution of magma can different from dikes to another dikes and secondary magma can flow in horizontal level or vertical direction and can flow in intermediate of horizontal and vertical direction during ascend to surface. Azimuthe of magnetic lineation different from zero to 90° in samples. Studing in azimuthe of magnetic lineation showed that general trend of them correlated with the general direction of dikes. Study of P (magnetic anisotropy) and T (shape parameter) value showing that most of magnetic ellipsoids from oblate type that this matter consistent with the crystal structure of pyroxen and small size of grain and demonstrate that shape of grain have a major effect in magnetic fabrics.
Another discussion in this thesis focused in determination of paleoposition of this area. Selective samples for this objective in 4 stage have been studied and obtain resulte is analysed. This stage introduced by following:
1- Determination of natural remnant magnetic (NRM) for samples by using of spinner magnetometer JR6-A.
2- Demagnetization under alternative fields with the different intensity that abbreviated AF method.
3- Thermal demagnetization
4- Find of minerals that responsible for magnetic behavior in dike samples.
After of measurement NRM, suitable samples select for next experiment and unsuitable samples removed. In next satge samples by using of AF and thermal demagnetization methods investigated. By AF method determinate that minerals of responsible for magnetic behaviour mostly have low size about larger than 1 micrometer.
Aid of thermal and AF data and their analyzing we can determine successfully paleoposition for any station. In collected data from sataions, six station have a hight confidence for results. Considere to these 6 sataion and paleomagnetic poles of Jurassic period and relate reference totally paleoposition of this area showing 20 ° north for paleolatitude. This value revealed that Iran terrain in Jurassic period located in 15° to 21 ° north. This value showing paleolatitude for Iran in Jurassic time.
Existence of shale laxyers in most of areas, particulary in south Alborz between of Qazvin to Shahrood is another evidence for correlation of this result.
Finally we can tell that AMS and paleomagnetism studies one of best and beneficial tools for interpretate and identicate of geology history of Iran.
#Delbar mextamorphic complex #AMS method #mean magnetic susceptibility; Magnetic lineations and foliations #AF method #paleopoles position. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University