QE62 : Investigation of the emplacement mechanism of the Gole-Zard granitoidic pluton (north of Aligoudarz) by AMS method.
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2011
Abstarct: Gole-Zard granitoidic pluton with 165±5 Ma is located in the north of Aligoudarz city, Lorastan province. It belongs to Sanandaj-Sirjan structural zone of Iran. The pluton has intruded into the Triassic slate, phyllite and mica-schists and contact mextamorphism distributed as a thin halo around intrusive body corresponds to the albite- epidote hornfels facies. Granodiorites compose the main part of the pluton and outcrops in the whole of studied area. Leucogranites, aplitic veins, pegmatites and gabbro-dioritic dykes are cut granodiorites. The main minerals of granodiorites consist of plagioclase, quartz, biotite and K-feldspar (orthoclase & microcline). Andalusite, tourmaline, muscovite, garnet, zircon, sphene, apatite and opaque can consider as minor minerals. Leucogranites are more evolved rocks and have less extension comparison with granodiorite. Plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz and some tourmaline (as nodule or vein) are the main constituent of these rocks. Evidences such as presence of mextaplitic enclaves (surmicaceous and andalusit-sillimanite hornfels), silica enclaves, andalusite and garnet xenocrysts and silica veins confirm S-type character of the Gole-Zard granite.
Emplacement mechanism of the pluton studied by using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) method. 217 in-situ oriented core samples were collected from 75 sites. After preparing the samples and the measurement of magnetic susceptibility (by MFK1-FA kappabridge), the following results were obtained. The average susceptibility magnitude (Km in µЅІ) is 227 for granodiorites, 57 for leucogranites, and 585 for gabbrodiorite dykes. The rather low susceptibility magnitude of these rocks (Km<500 µЅІ) correspond with paramagnetic granite and illustrate biotite is the most magnetic carrier. Leucogranites have the lowest Km that is due to low ferromagnetic mineral contribution like biotite. Gabbro-dioritic dykes with highest Km justified with abundant hornblende and some magnetite. The main identified microstructural types in the studied pluton include of magmatic and moderately deformed at high temperature. The former type is predominant.
The various magnetic data (magnetic lineation and foliation maps, Km, P% and T parameters) complemented by field and microstructural observations show the pluton issued from identified feeder zones in an extensional space that was related to dextral shear zone. In conclusion, we speculate that a succession of intrusion had begun with granodiorites as a large dyke structure, succeeded with leucogranites as small body (apophyse) and cutting veins. The intrusion ended by mafic to intermediate dykes at later fracturing that took place after pluton emplacement.
#Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility #AMS method #Granodiorite #Gole-Zard Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University