QE54 : Evaluation of Erosion and Land Subsidence in Khangiran Area, Khorasan Razavi
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2011
Abstarct: In recent years, in the area of Khangiran Gas field, deep water erosion and evidences of the Land subsidence include the deep fractures and cracks were observed which could cause some problems for gas extraction equipments in the future. In the present study, these phenomena investigated. The main purposes of this study are determination the areas with high erosion potential, map the subsidence fractures and find out the possible reasons for propose the necessary achievement to prevent the existent structures. In the first step, the area under erosion and all fractures were mapped and all of the information data includes of exploration borehole logs, geology and land use maps and groundwater conditions were collected and examined. Also with coordinated management of the exploitation east company of Oil and Gas, some exploration trench were burrowed normal to the fractures trend up to the depth of 3.5 meters and 4 soil samples were taken from different horizons. The soil samples were transported to the laboratory and different soil tests includes of sieve and hydrometer, plasticity, double consolidation, dispersion, and double hydrometer tests were performed. According to test results soil is slightly dispersive and could be suffer to large collapse in the first saturation and this is the main reason for the collapse and surface subsidence in the area. Also erosion hazard zonation map of the study area was prepared baxsed on same parameters such as slope, vegetation, lithology, drainage density and man-made disrupted and using the AHP method. This map showed that the areas with high potential of erosion are included the steep areas, intensive drainage, near the roads and Gas pump stations and areas with high Loess content.
#Khangiran #Land subsidence #Consolidation #Dispersive soil #Collapse #Erosion hazard
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University