QE43 : Granitoid’s petrogenesis and Geochemestry of Fariman Torbate– e– jam zone
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2010
Hossein Golikhatir [Author], Hosein Mehdizadeh Shahri[Supervisor], Farajollah Ferdoust[Advisor]
Abstarct: Fariman-Torbat-e-jam belt granitoidic plutons(˜40km2) is located in capital of razavi of khorasan province and 35 km of south-east of fariman city. these plutons intruded in the Jurassic Shales and with attention to field٫ Petrographic and geochemical studies this pluton has¬ a compositional rang of granitoidic rocks include granite ٫alkali granite‚s٫granodiorite and microgabroic dykes. Present minerals in this pluton show markers of deformation٫such as this markers can point on wavy extension٫ decreasing in grain size and recrystalization of quartzs٫ secondary and bend of twins and submagmatic micro textures in plagioclases٫ conversion of ortoclase to microciline and lenses of alkali feldespar in high degree of deformation and bend of cleavages and conversion to colorite in biotits in highly deformation. this evidences are because of Myloniteizasion in this pluton. Variation diaram trends of major and trace elements of studied samples versus SiO2 are Linar and same .The Condrite normalized REEs patterns are characterized by enrichment LREEs٫ in comparison With HFSE. High Value of Rb٫K٫Th and low Sr٫ P٫ Ti٫ Nb Suggest some crustal contamination during magmatic evolution and/or correlated with subduction zone magmatism. Geochemical studies indicate that the parent magma has a weakly peraluminous to mextaluminous, high- k calc- alkaline nature. fractional crystalization and assimilation are significant process in genesis of this magma tectonic setting diagrams indicate that this pluton belong to continental arc granites (CAG) and active continental margin arcs and probably in duration "Middle Cimmerian" events٫ subdaction of Neotethys oceanic plates to the beneath of continental plate of Central Iran٫ lead to generation of calc-alkaline andesitic magmas. Then٫ These magmas emplaced into the lower crust and provide the heat required for crustal anatexis.Fractional crystallization of this melts can geneate the granitoidic rocks. Then This pluton probably in result of the revolution 135 degree unlike poniterwatch of central iran micro continental (Lut block) Located in present Site.
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