QE355 : Fracture analysis in reservoir rock of the Qom Formation in Urtsha Field, using surface and subsurface data
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: In the past decade, several geophysical, geological and reservoir studies have been done on the Qom formation in the Yortesha field for injection and gas storage purposes. Qom formation in this field has a poor reservoir characteristic (low porosity and permeability); therefore the role of fractures for increasing permeability and improving reservoir quality is very important. In the current study, fractures’ concentration and strike patterns of the Qom and Upper Red formations as the carbonate reservoir and cap rock, respectively, have been investigated and compared in the Yortesha anticline and its adjacent anticlines (Davazdah Emam and Morreh) using surface and subsurface investigations. In order to achieve this goal, desert data gathering methods, remote sensing, and image log analysis have been used. Subsurface studies and interpretation of FMS and EMI image logs determined that fractures have also a strike of NE-SW in addition to strike of NW-SE. baxsed on the FMS image log interpretation of well No. 2, two subsurface fracture sets have been identified with the strikes of N65W and N15W as well as using the EMI log of well No. 4 shows the two dominant strike of N10E and S40E. Investigation of the Qom formation’s fractures (as for the image logs) shows that, the regions which have purer shale than other parts of formation are more fractured. The total 1852 specified fractures in the out crops of the Morreh and Davazdah Emam surface anticlines can lead to rose diagrams that show four fracture sets with the strikes of N10E, S45E, S80E, and N45E. Due to the well breakouts in the FMS images logs of the well number 3, the minimum stress on borehole has the strike of NW-SE; while the maximum stress has the strike of NE-SW, perpendicular to the breakouts.
#Yortesha field #Qom formation #Natural gas storage #Fracture concentration #Image log Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University