QE304 : Tracing of Astaneh Quaternary Fault in south west of Fooladmahalleh (Eastern Alborz)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: The study area is a part of south margin of the Eastern Alborz .Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks cropped out units in this area with NE-SW trend. baxsed on interlimb angle of fold (Fleuty 1964), folds classified in open field and gentle. baxsed on the dip of axial plane and plunge of the hinge line, the studied folds can be subdivided into two domains: 1- gently plunging, 2- plunging inclined. Folded rocks belong to Shemshak and Delichay Formation.
Considered continuing the Astaneh Fault is in the southwest of Fooladmahalleh area investigated in this research. Review of geology and tectonic characteristic are to the revealed six fault segment that in this study named F1 to F6. baxsed on such evidence partitioning fault, scratch’s fault, fault steps, can be movement two phases consists of, reverse mechanism and left lateral strike slip mechanism in respectively. Geographical position, fault geometry and mechanism of faulting in this six segment with geometry and Astaneh Fault mechanism corresponding to the Astaneh-Fooladmahalleh.
The faults that their strikes are northeast-southwest such as Sabur and Bashm, have left lateral reverse mechanism. This geometrical arrangement and kinematics of faults is compatible with regional left lateral transpression. Both transpresional faults are not baxsement type and the transverse faults can be tear faults related to Alborz fold-trust belt. Astaneh, Sabur and Bashm Fault, with dominantly reverse component, have a great impact on formation of the heights. Geomorphologic features of studied area highly affected by tectonic elements such as folds and faults. Also, highest point elevations (2938 m) of the studied area located on hanging wall of Bashm pressure Fault. Calculations of paleostress baxsed on neotectonic fault slip data indicate the circumstances of principal stress σ1, σ2 and σ3, 01/014, 50/283 and 40/106, respectively.
#eastern Alborz #Fooladmahalleh #Astaneh Fault Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University