QE301 : Bioavailability and total concentrations of heavy mextals in the soils around Ijo Copper mine, with emphasis on alteration zones, Shahr-e-Babak area (Kerman province)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: One of most important source of heavy mextals in environment, particularity in soils, is mineralization and its related alteration zones. The present study generally aims to investigate the heavy mextal concentration and distribution, with emphasizing the role of alteration zones, in soils of Ijo porphyry copper mine area. In addition to total mextal concentrations, bioavailability contents and chemical forms of heavy mextals in soils are also determined by single and sequential extraction methods. Results of whole rock analysis indicated that Cu in potassic alteration zone (on average 1674 mg/kg) and Pb (283 mg/kg), As (45 mg/kg) and Zn (419 mg/kg) in argillic zone, Cr (15 mg/kg) and Ni (19 mg/kg) in propylitic zone are greatly enriched. The patterns of heavy mextals distribution in soil also showed that As, Pb and Zn in the argillic alteration zone (with mean values of 47.06, 137 and 580.06 mg/kg, respectively) and Cu (457.25 mg/kg) in the potassic zone, have the highest concentrations. The results of sequential extraction method also indicated that, all the studied elements, were mainly retained in residual fraction. Exchangeable fraction was the least abundant fraction for mextals studied. Mobility factor of studied element indicated that Ni and Cu in the soils have restively higher mobility whereas Cr and Zn are typically characterized by low mobility factors (% 1.42 and % 2.62). Elemental concentration in Artemisia samples indicted that, high enrichment factors belongs to Cu which have highest Bio-concentration factor (0.16 and 0.15, respectively). This is also confirmed by the results of single extraction method indicating again that Cu have the most mobility factor among the the heavy mextals studied. Finally, this study concludes that even though source of heavy meals in soils of the study area is manly geogenic, further exploitation and mining would lead to extensive soil contamination which can be considered in future environmental assessments in the study area.
#Heavy mextals #Alteration zones #Bioavailability #Soil #Ijo porphyry copper mine Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University