QE277 : An study on hydrogeological and hydrochemical characteristics of Qanats in South of west Damghan
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: The study erea is located at the south west of Damghan between 54°00˝ to 54°15 ˝ E and 36°00 ˝ to 36°15 ˝ N. Damghan region with mean annual precipitation and temperature equal to 130 mm and 17̊c respectively, include arid climate and therefore the groudwater resourses are very important. One of the most favorite ways to use the groundwater is constructing the untherground chanells (qanats). The south west of Damghan contains five chains of active qanats. These qanats are: Fikhar, Hajiabad, Kalateh Dawood, Rumanan and Shokatabad. In this study, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of this qanats are investigated in an annual period monthly. The values of electrical conductivity , pH and discharge were measured at the location of sampling and the amount of main cations and anins were measured at the laboratory. the obtained results show that the hydrogeologic and hydrogeochemichal behavior of this qanats are relatively different. The qanat of fikhar (i.e. a kind of spring qanat) has the least electric conductivity (about 300 µmhose/cm) due to its recharge from karstic limestons of Lar formation. The rest of qanats have electric conductivity ranging from 1500 to 1800 µmhose/cm due to destructive effects of the formations on the quality of water and salts that dissolved in allovial deposits. The type of water at the qanat of Fikhar is calcic bicarbonic and the rest of qanats are sodic cholorid. baxsed on piper diagram, a hydrogeochimical different is visible among the qanats of the region. This different is seen at the semi logarithmic diagram of scholler , also.