QE258 :
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: The studied area is a small part of south margin of central Alborz. It is located in North, Northeast of Aradan city; Between North Jalilabad valley and Abdollahabad valley. Cenozoic formations including Lower red, Qom, Upper red, Hezardarreh conglomerate and Quaternary deposits have outcrops in this area. The geological structures (folds and faults) have east- west to northeast - southwest trend. The studied folds mainly are open and less frequently are gentle and close in Fleuty classification (1964) baxsed on interlimb angle. baxsed on the dip of axial plane and plunge of hinge line (Fleuty 1964), the folds classified as upright-sub horizontal plunging, upright- gently plunging, steeply inclined- sub horizontal plunging and moderately inclined-gently plunging. The main faults in the area such as Garmsar, Sorkhkalut, F2 and F3 have east - west trend and reverse mechanism with a left lateral strike slip component. Some faults like F2, F3, F4 and F5 show evidences related to tow dynamic phases. This evidences show that the strike-slip phase is younger than the dip slip (reverse) phase. Paleostress calculations baxsed on fault slip analysis on Qom formation; show that the orientations of principle stresses σ1, σ2 and σ3 are 10/345, 06/077 and 78/198, respectively. The results support the idea of predominantly compressional stress regime in the neotectonic period.
#Central Alborz #Aradan #Garmsar #Sorkhkalut Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University