QE251 : Petrology and geochemistry of subvolcanic domes in southeast of Sahle area (NE Torud)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: The study area is part of north of central Iran magmatic belt. It is located at 100 to 120
kilometers from Shahrood and at 30 kilometers to south – east from Sahl village, more
precisely. North of central Iran magmatic belt includes a Paleocene to middle Eocene volcanic
and volcano - sedimentary sequence. Volcanic rocks in this sequence have a trachy – basaltic to
trachy- andesitic composition. Sedimentary rocks of this sequence are composed of crystal tuff,
crystal- lithic tuff, lithic tuff, conglomerate, sand stone, silt stone, marl, gypsum-bearing marl
and smaller amounts of nummulitic lime stones. Some sub volcanic bodies, in form of domes
and dikes, cut the volcano-sedimentary sequence in upper Eocene. These bodies have a trachyandesitic basalt to trachy- basalt composition. Their main minerals consist of plagioclase
(andesine-oligoclase), clinopyroxene (augite), green hornblende (to oxy- Hornblende). Two
groups of autolith enclaves (mafic Hornblenditic, Hornblenditic- pyroxenitic and mafic micro
granular clods) and xenolith enclaves (micaschistic, amphibolitic, gabbroic, tonalitic) can be
found in this rocks.
According to chemical analysis, fractional crystallization, assimilation and crustal
contamination took part in evolutions of the plutonic igneous rocks parent magma. These rocks
have an enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) and large ion lithophyle elements
(LILE) such as La, Ce, Nd, K, Rb, Sr, Th, U and a depletion in heavy rare earths elements
(HREE) and high filed strength elements (HFSE) such as Nb, Ta, Ti, Y, Yb, Lu. These Features
are compatible with those of continental margin magmatic arc rocks.
According to geochemical properties, the domes and the trachyandesi -basaltic to trachyandesitic dikes fall in to low silica adakite (LSA) class. Low silica adakite is the result of
crystallization of magmas which derived from modified peridotitic mantel wedge melting.
According to geology of the area and general geology of the northern and north- eastern Iran in
Eocene time, Sabzevar (Daruneh) neothetian oceanic crust subduction under Alborz southern
edge and melting and evolution of mantle wedge ( as a result of the subduction) lead to form
these magmatic rocks.
#dome #trachy- andesite #mantle wedge #mextasomatism #adakite #Sabzevar #Shahrood #Sahl Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University