QE246 : Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of the Halalan Mn deposit, Moalleman area, south of Damghan
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: The Hallahan Manganese ore deposite is located in 122 km of south of Damghan, 16
km west of Reshm Village in Torud- Chah Shirin volcano-sedimextary belt and the
northern part of Central Iran structural zone. Rock outcrops in the area comprised of
mextamorphic complexe such as slate, phyllite, schist, marble, limestone, dolomite and
slightly mextamorphed sandstone with lower Jurassic in age. Manganese mineralization
in Hallahan area has occurred in main horizon, as stratiform and concordant with
beddly. baxsed on mineralogy, structure, texture, structure and relation with the host
rocks, mineralization are divided into three different facies: A) vein- veinlet Facies: this
facies as a network of veins –veinlets has limit development and undering. B) Massive
ore facies: This facies forms thick and high grade of ore deposit. C ) Stratiform Ore
facies: thickness of this part of the ore deposit is less than massive ore facies. baxsed on
ore microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron microprobe (EPMA) studies the
ore mineralogy are mainly pyrolusite, psilomelane, heulandite, braunite and hematite.
Spessartine, wollastonite and clay minerals have occasionally been observed with
manganese minerals. The main gangues minerals of the ore deposit are quartz, calcite
and gypsum. The main structures of the ore deposit consists of laxyered, lentiform,
massive and vein structures and the main textures are massive, bandy, vein and veinlet
form, dispersed grain, filling the empty space, succession and coliform textures. The
existent alterations in the region are Chlorite, Epidote, argillic, silication and
carbonatization alterations. Chlorite alteration is the broadest in Halahan region and the
hanging and footwall Stones of the ore deposit have intensity chlorite alteration. baxsed
on geochemical studies, mextamorphic rocks of the region have the mextabasalt and
mextapelitic nature and have been born about the end of the greenschist facies to
amphibolite facies beginning. High ratio of Mn / Fe and Si / Al, low levels of trace
mextals especially Co, Ni, Cu and high amounts of Mn, SiO2 and Fe are as evidence of
Mn enrichment and depletion from submarine hydrothermal fluids (exhalative) in this
deposit and exclude the role of hydrogenesis processes and appearance of the ore
deposit. Therefore, all the evidences indicate that Halahan manganese ore deposit has
been formed under two mechanisms: enrichment in seawater by exhalative
hydrothermal fluids and the deposition in sedimentary conditions influenced by changes
in Eh and pH in sedimentary environment and it is a volcano sedimentary ore deposit.
The features of Halahan manganese ore deposit among formation tectonic environment,
geological sedimentary environment, participant host rocks, geometry, mineralogy,
texture and chemical evidence, are most similar to the manganese ore deposits of Cuba
type, with the exception that Halahan manganese ore deposit influenced by a
greenschist facies mextamorphism phase.
#manganese #volcanosedimentary #Lower Jurassic #the Cuba Type #Halalan #south of Damghan Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University