QE189 : Site selection of municipal solid waste landfill in Garmsar city
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2013
Municipal solid waste generation is among the most significant sources which threaten the global environmental health. Waste disposal in landfill is now accepted as the most widely used method for addressing this problem in all countries of the world. One of the major problems in waste management is concerned with the selection of the appropriate site for waste disposal. The site selection process depends on a set of social, economic and environmental factors. In this study in order to select a suitable site for the disposal of municipal solid waste in Garmsar City, several criteria such as hydrology, hydrogeology, lithology, soil texture, land use, geomorphology, land slope, seismic, distance from fault, distance from residential areas, distance from the areas of environmental conservation, wind direction, distance from the road network and etc. were considered. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to manipulate and present spatial data in this study. All criteria information laxyers were classified using ArcGIS software. Then, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used for weighting the information laxyers. By integration of geographic information systems and analytic hierarchy process, the study area was undergone for zoning baxsed on the potential for waste disposal into four groups (unsuitable, moderately suitable, suitable and highly suitable). Among the highly suitable areas, according to the land area required, 11 sites were detected suitable for landfill. Considering some of the parameters, candidate sites were examined and finally two sites were selected. The field studies were performed in order to assess the probable environmental impact of landfill construction in these zones, using the Leopold’s matrix method. baxsed on the results of the evaluation, the site with the highest rank was selected as the most suitable site for landfill.
#Site selection #Geographic Information System #Analytic Hierarchy Process #Environmental Impact Assessment #Leopold’s matrix Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University