QD341 : Application of synthetic photocatalyst and natural nanoabsorbents for degradation and removal of some pharmaceutical compounds in aquatic environment
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Chemistry > PhD > 2018
Abstarct: In the first section of this thesis, zinc oxide nano-particles were synthesized via a sol-gel method, and its surface characterization was carried out. Then the photo-degradation efficiency of atenolol and ciprofloxacin was investigated by a photolysis process with 9 Watt UV lamp and oxidation process by ZnO nano-particles under UV irradiation (9W) from single component aqueous solutions. The adsorption efficiency of both drugs was estimated by ZnO nano-particles. In this study, the lamp was placed inside the test solution to get the highest amount of irradiation. To achieve the highest degradation efficiency, the effects of different experimental variables such as the sample solution pH, initial concentration of drugs, photo-catalyst dosage, stirring speed, atmosphere of solution and the interference effect of anions was studied. The results of kinetic study under optimized condition showed the pseudo-first order kinetics.
In the next section of this thesis, the mineral diatomite and perlite were prepared in the form of nanoparticles from natural materials to remove the two pharmaceutical compounds from their aqueous solution. Characterization features showed that the nano-diatomite particles were thin, spherical and uniform and nano-perlite particles were granular and rugged. The particle size of both adsorbent was nano level. In terms of specific area and porosity, the arrangement of nano-diatomite, nano-perlite, raw diatomite and raw perlite can be considered. The effects of sample solution pH, adsorbents dosage, initial concentration of drugs, temperature and contact time were studied. The used nano-adsorbents were suitable for removal of the mentioned compounds and the efficiency of nano-diatomite was higher than nano-perlite. The thermodynamic, isothermic and kinetic studies showed that the adsorption process follows Longmuir isotherm and second-order kinetics. In the next section, the effect of different parameters such as the weight ratio of NH4Cl, furnace temperature and the time required for the modification of natural nano-particles of diatomite and perlite with NH4Cl were investigated. Due to the increase of the specific area and the porosity of adsorbents after modification, the effect of sample solution pH, adsorbents dosage, initial concentration of drugs, temperature and contact time on the adsorption efficiency were investigated.
#Ciprofloxacin #Atenolol #synthetic ZnO #a 9 watt UV lamp #nano-diatomite #nano-perlite #modified nano-diatomite #modified nano-perlite Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University