QC624 : Investigating the effect of zinc oxid(ZnO) nanoparticles on the efficiency of betavoltaic liquid nuclear battery with strontium(90Sr) source
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2024
Mohammad maghsodi [Author], Hossein Tavakoli Anbaran[Supervisor]
Abstarct: The nuclear converter converts the energy resulting from the decay of radioactive sources into electrical energy. baxsed on the energy conversion process, these converters are divided into two types: heat exchangers (RTGs) and non-heat exchangers (nuclear batteries). Among different types of batteries, nuclear batteries have a special place due to their long life (more than 10 years) and high energy density (the amount of energy stored per unit volume) compared to other types of batteries. After the discovery of radiation, efforts to produce electrical energy from radioactive sources by nuclear converters with the aim of long life and high energy density began in the early 1900s. In 1913, Henry Mosley built the first direct-charge non-thermal nuclear converter. In this research, a beta-voltaic nuclear battery with zinc oxide (ZnO) semiconductor as a Schottky junction with a 90Sr radioactive source was investigated. Considering that in this research we intend to investigate the effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the efficiency of nuclear batteries, first, the beta spectrum of 90Sr/90Y spring was calculated using Fermi's golden rule, then the effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles was calculated using the MCNPX code. Zinc in the converter with different geometries in the nuclear battery was investigated. Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a cheap semiconductor with a wide energy bandwidth. It can be produced at low temperatures and in different ways. First, by simulating with the MCNP Monte Carlo code, the optimal value of the thickness and dimensions of the battery was obtained for model number 1, which included a converter with flat geometry and a solid cylindrical spring, and with three other models with different geometries of the spring and The converter was compared with the same bonding area and thickness of the laxyers. The results of the simulation showed that by changing the geometry of the converter from flat to cylindrical with the joint area and thickness of equal laxyers, and also by changing the geometry of the spring from a solid cylinder to a laxyered cylinder on the converter (model no. 4), Under the same conditions, the short circuit current increased by 374%, the open circuit voltage by 7.5%, and the efficiency of the photovoltaic battery by 412%. Also, it was introduced in model number 5 with the same solid cylindrical spring as model 1 and with a different geometry, which is a total of eight solid cylindrical transducers that are placed around the spring. In this case, while increasing the mass of the converter by 24% and the area of the lixnk by 198%, by combining series or parallel series of eight cylindrical converters, it is possible to reach the open circuit voltage up to 18.72 V, the short circuit current up to 128 µA, and also the efficiency of the beta-voltaic battery up to 152 % increased compared to model number 4. In the end, the final model with a liquid spring and a set of converters was introduced, which, while increasing the mass of the converter by 89% compared to model number 4, the connection area is 298%, the short circuit current is 33%, the open circuit voltage is 153% and the efficiency is respectively The beta-voltaic battery increased by 263%. ‌
#Nuclear batteries #Betavoltaic #ZnO Nanoparticles #MCNPX Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University