QC459 : Using neutron activation analysis for elemental analysis of ceramic samples numerically
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis PGNAA, is one of the most sensitive analytical techniques to determine qualitative and quantitative elements in a sample. This method is baxsed on the conversion of a stable nuclear core into a radioactive nucleus, using neutron irradiation and measure characteristic gamma radiation from the radio core. Due to high precision and sensitivity, as well as the non-destructive nature of this method, it is very applicable and its usage is growing. Accordingly, present thesis attempts to use this method for elemental analysis of three ceramic samples of Si3N4, B4C and ZrO2, which due to their diverse properties, are used extensively in the engineering industry.
First, the MCNPX Monte Carlo computational code was hired to simulate the geometry. To this end, two sources including 241Be-Am, and 252Cf were used. The HPGe detector was applied to identify gamma rays released from the interactions between neutrons and samples. It was found that the simulation results in compare to experimental measured values shows acceptable and compatible accordance. As a result, PGNAA could be an effectiveness method in analyzing the element of various samples.
#Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis #Gamma-ray Detection #Neutron Sources Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University