QC440 : Investigating the calibration process of gas analyzing systems for sensing the Methane
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2018
Abstarct: Detecting the Methane and determination of it’s concentration is a key problem in many industries and applications. Different methods used for detecting Methane and one of this methods that used widely in industry is optical method. Due to limitation in providing of infrared detectors for manufactoring optical gas sensors, we decide to use semiconductor sensor arrays as alternative method. One of the main obstacles on mass production of semiconductor sensor arrays ,specially in detecting Methane and determining it’s concentration, is the calibration of the sensors. Calibration is a expensive and complex process for sensor arrays and instruments that using for such a exact process, should be traced to “National Standards”. In this thesis, we design and build a configuration that can traced to national standards. Then for detecting methane and subtle estimation of it’s concentration a method has been used that called “Calibration Transfer”. We build and used two new methods for calibration transfer that includes polynomial regression and direct standardization modification. Then a comparison has been done between current methods and proposed methods and results showed that new proposed methods has the least error in unknown concentration estimation for detecting the methane’s concentration.
#Calibration #Sensor Arrays #mextal Oxide gas sensors #Calibration Transfer #Regression #Linear Regression #Polynomial Regression Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University