QC414 : Study of Holographic Non-Equilibrium Physics and Numerical Solution of Einstein's Equations
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > PhD > 2018
Mahdi Atashi [Author], Kazem Bitaghsir fadafan[Supervisor]
Abstarct: In the recent decades, the holography presented possibility of study of strongly-coupled systems using their gravitational duals. In this thesis, using holography, we consider energy loss of a heavy rotating particle in non-relativistic backgrounds, and study its be- havior for different values of parameters of the theory. baxsed on the holographic principle, a strongly coupled non-equilibrium system has a gravitational dual that obeys the Einstein’s equations that by solving these equations numerically, time evolution and equilibration state of the system will be determined. In this thesis, using holographic principle, we consider dynamics of quark-gluon plasma as a non-equilibrium system at finite coupling. Gravitational dual of finite coupling is adding Gauss-Bonnet terms to the Einstein’s equations. Solving Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations numerically with linear approximation as evolution equations, we have studied isotropisation time and entropy produced by QGP as important quantities. Also, in this thesis, numerical solution of Einstein’s equations in asymptotically Anti- de Sitter background using spectral method is descirbed carefully.
#Quark-Gluon Plasma #Holography #Non-equilibrium Systems #Gauss- Bonnet Terms #Spectral Method Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University