QC370 : Calculation of the scattering cross section in nuclear interactions
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > PhD > 2016
Abstarct: Using the hyperspherical formalism is one of the methods for solving the D-dimensional wave equation. In this thesis the wavefunction of the nucleus are calculated by solving the hyperradial wave equation using the hyperspherical formalism. The interaction between the nucleons of the nucleus is assumed as five different types of short-range potentials and the wavefunction for each potential is obtained. A two nuclei system is considered for evaluating the obtained nucleus wavefunction and the most appropriate potential for describing the nucleons interaction of the nucleus. The interaction potential between two nuclei is calculated using the double folding model with the effective nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction. The calculations of the exchange part of the interaction were assumed to be of finite-range and the density dependence of the NN interaction is accounted for. Also the results are compared with the zero-range approximation. All of these calculations are done using the wave functions of the two colliding nuclei in place of their nucleon density distributions. The numerical results for the interaction potential and the scattering cross section are presented.
#D-dimensional Schrödinger equation #Hyperspherical formalism #DFM #M3Y interaction #Yukawa potential #Hulthen potential #Yukawa-type potential #Manning-Rosen potential #Deng-Fan potential Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University