QC329 : Study of quark gluon plasma observables in global coordinates of AdS using holography
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: Quark gluon plasma is produced by collision of relativstic heavy ions such as gold and lead in Hadron colliders RHIC and LHC at high temperatures. Quarks in this environment can exist freely. One can not study this strongly coupled plasma using perturbative methods. There for AdS/CFT correspondence is used to study this plasma.
Knowing the drag force on heavy quarks in the QGP is very important to study heavy quark energy loss. Also examining the screening potential of J/Ψ mesons the cc ̅ -pair depends on a maximum value of the separation length L between the c andC ̅quarks, called the screening length L_max.
In this thesis, the drag force examining on quark and screening length cc ̅ is investigated in global coordinates using holographic in order to study the effect of QGP on them, them compare the results with calculations in Poincare coordinates.
#Quark gluon plasma #Screening length #Energy loss #AdS/CFT correspondence #Drag force #Schwarzchild-AdS black hole Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University