QC257 : Dose and Energy deposition of some palliative radiopharmaceuticals for bone mextastases in the pelvis
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: One of the consequence of cancers such as prostate, breast, kidney, liver and … is the spread of cancer cells to distant ereas of the body and cause mextastasis that most common of it is bone mextastasis. The most serious bone mextastasis complication is bone pain that improve gradually. Radiopharmaceutical therapy is the best and most effective treatment to relieve and reduce this pain. These Radiopharmaceuticals arep32,sr89,sm153,RE186,RE188. In estimating risks of radiation, knowledge of the radiopharmaceutical absorbed dose by organs in areas of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine is necessary. MCNP code has high ability in simulation the transition of radiations, complex geometry defining and dosimetry calculations so it can simulate human organs. In this study, we have simulated the pelvis and the contents with using this code and calculated dose and energy deposition for several radioisotopes. baxsed on the results of this study, it was observed that tumors which have more depth in bone, it is better to use radioisotopes such as p32,sr89 and for cancer cells that are more spread out to bone, it is better to use radioisotopes such as (m153,RE186.