QA294 : Factorization in Integral Domains and Their Extensions
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mathematical Sciences > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: In this dissertation, several generalizations of unique factorization domains and
their behaviour in localization and polynomial extension is studied.
These classes are, half factorization domains (HFD), bounded factorization
domains (BFD), finite factorization domain (FFD), idf-domains, ACCP domains
and atomic domains. Using a variety of counter-examples, the relations between
these classes are determined. Then, the stability of these properties under localization
is studied. Although in general none of these classes ascend or descend
under localization, but it will be shown that these properties become stable under
some additional conditions. The same thing is done for polynomial extensions
afterwards. It will be shown that, all of these properties descend in polynomial
extensions and in addition, the classes ACCP, BFD and HFD ascend in polynomial
extension. Also, using directed unions, these results will be generalized to
polynomials with arbitrary number of variables. Finally, the ascend of HFDs,
ACCP domains and atomic domains under polynomial extension is studied and
in particular, counter-examples will be found, showing that none of these classes
ascend in polynomial extensions in general.
#Unique Factorization Domain (UFD) #Half Factorization Domain (HFD) #Finite Factorization Domain (FFD) #Bounded Factorization Domain (BFD) #ACCP Domain #idf Domain #Atomic Domain #D+M Construction #Localization #Inert Extension #Splitting Multiplicative Set #Polynomial Extension #Directed Union Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University