QA242 : Computation of parametric state feedback matrix in partial eigenvalues assignment problem
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mathematical Sciences > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: In this thesis, we will introduce the detection of partial eigenvalues assingment problem. The
problem of keeping one part of open-loop matrix spectrum of linear system constant, by controlling
the state feedback and bring out the remaining spectrum is called ”partial eigenvalue assingment
problem”. In fact this problem is used for such systems which are not completely stable and a
number of open-loop spectrum eigenvalue that need re-allocation are not in stable region. Since
this problem is very important in control and optimization theory numerous method have provided
to solve it and some of them are investigated in this thesis. We then by using of left eigenvectors
related to unstable eigenvalues, turn the problem to eigenvalue assingment problem and by making
use of simillary transitions in linear control systems, we calculate the state feedback matrix which
assigns desired eigenvalues to a close-loop system. Since making norm of state feedback matrix
minimum is very important in optimization of linear control systems, by using of the proposed
method and state transition graph, we obtain state feedback matrix which has the minimum norm.
Then we introduce a new way to find non-linear parametric state feedback matrix. At the end of
each section for more understanding of concepts, numerical examples are provided.
#Stability #Partial eigenvalue assignment #State feedback matrix #Similarity transation #State transition graph #Minimizing the norm Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University