Q117 : Collision avoidance between unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with the Leader-Following system using Baysian Filters and Wireless sensor network (WSN)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Computer Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Todays, one of the significant issues in surveillance and monitoring industry is using the autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV). In order to do an organized surveillance, multi-UAVs are used. This case help the team to manage the tasks amongst the UAVs. A formation control strategy; and a new architecture and arrangement system are suggested to optimize the coordination between the agents. However, the safety of UAVs should be guaranteed. Thus, the probability of collision avoidance is considered.
Vast majority of papers suggest a three laxyered architecture. The mentioned architecture is compromised of a sensing laxyer, decision making laxyer and motion control laxyer. On the other hand, most of the techniques are centralized. Centralized architectures have remarkable week points. In this paper, a distributed architecture is utilized. By these situations, the communication cost will be decreased.
In this paper, we will introduce an arrangement and topology for the leader and its followers in the platoon. Besides, the distribution of the agents is considered very well. Our suggested method is inspired of the solar system. In solar system there is no any collision between the planets. In order to predict the trajectory of the UAVs the linear Kalman filter is used. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) will help us to prepare the rest of the communication among the agents. Received Signal Strength will be utilized to evaluate the distance of the UAVs. The combination of the methods above, will decrease the probability of collision with the obstacles.
Key words: Collision avoidance(CA), Obstacle avoidance, Kalman Filter(KF), Wireless sensor network(WSN) , Received Signal Strength(RSS), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs), Formation Control(FC).
#Collision avoidance(CA) #Obstacle avoidance #Kalman Filter(KF) #Wireless sensor network(WSN) #Received Signal Strength(RSS) #Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs) #Formation Control(FC)
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University