PE56 : The Effect of Teacher Scaffolding on EFL Learners’ Reading Proficiency: A mexta- analysis
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Industrial Engineering & Management > MSc > 2023
One of the techniques which helps learners to better understand the texts is scaffolding. Scaffolding is a mextaphor of Vygotsky to define the teacher's support for the student during teaching and examination with conversational methods, questioning, and other techniques. Thus far, many studies have been published on the effect of scaffolding on reading comprehension. However, judging the effectiveness of this technique on improving the students' reading proficiency requires a detailed and quantitative investigation. Due to differences in research conditions, such as differences in the number of people participating in the research, training time, type of training and other effective factors; the general conclusion baxsed on this research is the need for integration baxsed on appropriate techniques such as mexta-analysis. Therefore, our study involved a mexta-analysis that examined the impact of teacher scaffolding on the reading proficiency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. We analyzed 28 experimental and quasi-experimental studies published between 2008 and 2022, and 39 effect sizes were reviewed and synthesized. Our results revealed a strong overall effect size of 0.89, indicating that teacher scaffolding has a significant positive impact on EFL learners' reading proficiency. We also calculated the effect sizes of moderator variables and found that teacher scaffolding has the most significant impact on elementary learners at the elementary school level. Furthermore, we conducted a symmetrical funnel plot and fail-safe N test to determine if publication bias affected our results. These tests revealed that publication bias did not significantly impact the effect size reported in our study. The implications of our mexta-analysis are far-reaching, affecting EFL teachers, researchers, policy-makers, and curriculum developers.
#Keywords Teacher scaffolding #Reading proficiency #Research synthesis #mexta-analysis #Effect size Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University