PE40 : Learners' Perceptions of Editing Tasks in an EFL Context: A Qualitative Study
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Industrial Engineering & Management > MSc > 2021
Abstarct: Writing skill is considered the ultimate goal of training competent EFL learners, especially, in academic settings, and due to its importance, there has been a long line of research attempts probing writing instructions so far. However, most of the current body of research on process-oriented writing instruction is dedicated to testifying the effects of certain task types, feedback types, or assessment types and very few studies have considered the EFL learners' perceptions of the task types presented in EFL writing instruction courses. This study, baxsed on grounded theory, aimed at probing 14 EFL learners' perception of using editing tasks in a writing instruction course. The data were collected via interviews and then were analyzed using Charmaz (2008) frxamework. The results showed that not only the editing task is a satisfactory option in an EFL writing classroom, baxsed on the overall perception of the participants, but also a source of writing improvement for the learners. baxsed on the results, the sources of satisfaction with this task lies in repetition and rehearsal of the strategies, reviewing and reviving of the sub-skills, teacher rapport, competitive atmosphere, contextualized practice, problem-solving, and discovery learning. It was also found that these factors lead to a more motivating and encouraging atmosphere in which the learners are willing to pursue doing such tasks due to their gained self-confidence and perceived progress. The results have some implications for EFL teachers in that they have to pave the ground for implementing editing tasks through ensuring the existence of the contributing factors enumerated in this study.
#: Editing tasks #EFL learners #Grounded theory #Perceptions #Writing Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University