NA31 : Survey and evaluation of thermal comfort in office buildings (case study: IT center building in Shahrood University of Technology)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Architectural Engineering and Urbanism > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: Today, due to the lack of suitable thermal interval for different spaces in Iran, we see different levels of dissatisfaction among their users. People who are unable to function properly in the environment due to lack of proper environmental conditions, which results in reduced productivity, optimum performance and consequently lower quality of life. The purpose of this study was to survey and evaluate the thermal comfort of the users of IT Center building of Shahrood University of Technology in order to find neutral temperature, comfort range, satisfaction, thermal preferences and thermal sensation. Therefore, by collecting environmental information such as: air temperature, radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity by existing equipment, as well as providing a questionnaire to users simultaneously, data were evaluated by multiple statistical processes. The results were presented in May and June as "warm seasons" and October, January as "cold seasons". Accordingly, the neutral temperatures for men and women in hot seasons were 24.39 and 25.28 ° C, respectively, while the preferred temperatures were 24.75 and 26.05 ° C, respectively. Comfort range according to psychometric charts is recommended for male and female users 22 to 30 and 15 to 23, respectively. In cold seasons, the neutral temperatures for males and females, respectively, were 24.89 and 23.13 ° C, and the preferred temperatures were 23.94 and 22.79 ° C, respectively.
Comfort range is also predicted for male and female users, according to psychometric charts, 22 to 31 and 17 to 26, respectively. Investigating the correlations and relationships between the variables of thermal comfort also indicated that factors such as: operating temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and clothing insulation rate were effective on providing comfort conditions and significant differences were observed between the two genders.
#Office building #Thermal comfort #Neutral temperature #Preferred temperature #Comfort rang #Psychrometric charts Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University