NA1 : City and children The Design of Children’s Public Arena in Shahrood With focus on Security and Socrability
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Architectural Engineering and Urbanism > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: Children, ineverycommunity, has the central role in makingthe future.Socialwelfares andhealth care system shouldpay special attentions to the needs of this future generation.Since thechildrenhave a strongemotionalrelationshipwiththeir environment, properlydesignedandorganizedurban spaces(access areas, playgrounds, green andgathering spaces, and etc.) can influencetheir evolvement, and activelyparticipate theminsociety.In fact,it can besaid thatchildren evolvemainly in social interactionswithothers , and afterfamily, the firstcommunal spacein which childrenmeettheirneeds, is societyandurban space . The city's publicspacessuch asstreets, parks and playgrounds, areasforsocializingchildren . Playingallows childrentogrow physicaly , cognitively, socially.Unfortunately,in our country, liitle attention or nothing is paid to thedesignof urban spacesandareas forgrowthand creativity ofchildren (playgrounds) to suittheirneed. In thisresearch,throughlibrary and fieldstudiesandreviewof existingtheoriesofenvironmental psychology,First,theinteractionof childrenandhisrelationshipwithurbanspaces are discussed , and second,baxsed on children’s needsandtheir demandsfromurban space , some environmental features are suggestedfor improving theirinteractswith environment. In additon, topromotechildren'screativityandsocial interactionasthe mostimportatntsection ofsociety ,an urbanpublic space(Creative Park), withan emphasis onsafetyand healthinthiscontextis designed
#childnre #play #creativity #urban space #safety #community
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University