HA79 : The quantitative evaluation of the customer satisfaction baxsed on netnography indexes: with the incomplete information approach
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Industrial Engineering & Management > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: Netnograghy as a new approach in social networks and internet communications analyzes customers' suggestions and opinions in the form of their comments. This study which is applied research in terms of objectives, in terms of methodology is survey- descxriptive. The main purpose of this research is identification and evaluation of effective factors on customer satisfaction baxsed on netnography indexes and the innovation of this research is the integration of quantitative and qualitative approach. The proposed approach have been conducted as a case study on users in mobile (cell phone) internet shopping sites. By Analyze of users' comments using netnography method, effective factors on mobile customer satisfaction identified and among these indexes four parameters: beauty, process speed, battery as well as camera were designated as significant factors for user. These parameters have been graded baxsed on fuzzy relations with incomplete approach. The results showed that beauty feature with the worth of 0.2805, process speed, battery and camera features, respectively, with the worth of 0.2570, 0.2339, 0.2312 have the most significance for users and customers.
#Ethnography #Fuzzy Preference Relation #Grounded theory #Incomplete information #Netnography Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University