HA322 : Identifying and providing customer requirements in healthcare section using a hybrid approach baxsed on quality function deployment (QFD) and mathematical programing (case study: Radiology centers of governmental hospitals in Tehran)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Industrial Engineering & Management > MSc > 2021
Abstarct: Patients’ satisfaction as customers of the healthcare sector is crucially important as a social responsibility. Understanding, analyzing, and fulfilling the patient’s requirements are the most important activities to satisfy them. This study aims to develop a quantitative assessment frxamework for radiology centres to as an important section in healthcare to translate the patients’ requirement into service quality specifications. The results of a Search in articles and some open interviewing with related patients, carried out to identify the patients’ requirement. Moreover, the identified customer satisfaction criteria were customized for the radiology centres and categorized in five dimensions of SERVQUAL. In addition, a primary customer satisfaction assessment was carried out to determine satisfaction and importance of each criterion. In this way, public hospitals and radiology centres in Tehran were considered as the research community. Then the service elements were identified baxsed on the opinions of experts and previous research and they were prioritized with the relevant formula. After that, the relationships between patients' expectations and service elements and also the relationships between service elements were determined through expert group consensus. Moreover, after the implementation of the QFD technique, due to the existing limitations, mathematical programming was used for optimization. Three other quality tools including the importance–satisfaction matrix and cause-and-effect diagram and FMEA technique were applied to highlight the improvement area and to provide enhancing suggestions.
#Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - Mathematical programming - Customer's needs - Customer's satisfication - Health field - Radiology department Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University