HA199 : Presentation of a Comprehensive Assessment of Technology Transfer Model Using Dynamic Systems Approach (Case Study: Mashhad Power Plant)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Industrial Engineering & Management > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Evaluation of technology transfer process consists of various parts including evaluation of indentifying methods of present thechnologies and selecting the best, evaluation of the ways of owning technology and contracts between the two sides. evaluation is necessary in order to move towards technology transfer optimization,because there are always challenges in the way of thechnology transfer, and it is only by a deliberate technology program that a developing country can achieve and own a thechnology through technology transfer. Moreover,the collected information from steps of technology transfer evaluation model analysis can be passed to related authorities,so they can use them for future optimal decision making problems. in this study, we tried to gather the criteria from former research in a single comprehensive model and study their interactions using dynamic systems. so we selected Mashhad electrical plant as the case study and identified the key processes in every single section of the plant and their relationships. Afterwards,we identified the key performance evaluation indicators for each section in terms of thechnology transfer. we plotted the causual loop curves,followed by stream curve. Finally,we plotted the status charts of the studied performance evaluation indicators during the simulation period,according to current situation and plant policies through 100 time periods (100 months), using Vensim software.
#Technology #Technology transfer #Technology transfer process #Evaluation of technology transfer process #Dynamic system Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University