HA162 : Revieing and rating failure using analysis MAFMA in fuzzy conditions (Case Study: The process of producing medical device in farmed)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Industrial Engineering & Management > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Addressing the issue of quality and producing with the least error and according to customer demand is very important. Because of this, the tools for quality improvement and avoiding errors have found a special position in manufacturing and service organizations. One of these tools is failure mode and effect analysis. This technique is driven by multiplying the three criteria of severity, occurance probability and probability of detection. Over the course of time, several bugs have been taken from this technique. One of these bugs is considering absolute numbers for these criteria. Also another bug of this technique is that it only considers the above named three criteria. By considering a forth criterion named cost, which is baxsed on the analytical hierarchy process a multi attribute point of view named multi attribute failure mode analysis is being introduced. But it was also using absolute numbers. For this reason, in this research by using the fuzzy logic e attempted to fix this problem.
#failure mode and effect analysis #risk priority number #fuzzy logic #analytical hierarchy process #multi attribute failure mode analysis Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University