GV38 : The relationship between job demands, job control and social support with burnout of physical education teachers in Mashhad city
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physical Education > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: Several studies have shown that physical education teachers are at risk for burnout. Some of the underlie factors for this phenomenon, is related to their working environment that has been proposed in Karasek's model (1979). The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between job demands, job control and social support with burnout of physical education teachers in Mashhad city. The method of this research was descxriptive – correlation. For this purpose, 270 persons of the 870 physical education teachers evaluated as statistical sample. Information required by Burnout Inventory (Maslach, 1981) and job demands, job control and social support questionnaires (Brouwers et al, 2011) were collected. Due to normality of data distribution for data analysis was used the Pearson correlation test, Durbin- Watson test and stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that job demands, job control and social support is significantly associated with burnout. The job demands, was only associated with emotional exhaustion, but the three dimensions of burnout were significantly related to job control; the coefficients of the -0.26 to -0.48 was varied. The results also showed that there are a significant association between social support and burnout dimensions; the highest correlation coefficient was dedicated for the relationship between social support with personal accomplishment (r=-0.40) and emotional exhaustion (r=-0.39). The results showed that the variables of the model can explain the burnout of physical education teachers. baxsed on the research findings can be offered that educational managers provide a basis for increase job control and social support of physical education teachers. Also recommended to reduce the amount of physical education teachers' job demands to declined the burnout among them and enable them to carry out their teaching duties properly
#Burnout #Job demands #Job control #Colleague support #Manager support Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University