GV21 : The relationship between perception of the coach’s competency and athletes satisfaction
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physical Education > MSc > 2013
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between perception of coach’s competency and athletes satisfaction among volleyball and judo plaxyers of North Khorasan province. The method of this study was descxriptive-correlation. The statistical population comprised of volleyball and judo plaxyers of North Khorasan province. Due to the limitation in community, the statistical sample was equal to statistical population (n=N). So, 153 people (48 judo plaxyer & 153 volleyball plaxyer) completed demographics, athletes’ perceptions of coaching competency (APCC II–HST) of Myers et al (2010) and athlete satisfaction of Riemer & Chelladurai (1998) questionnaires. The validity of questionnaires was confirmed by constructive comments of sport management professors, coaches and athletes and their reliability determined by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.954 (APCC II–HST) and 0.953 (ASQ) respectively. The data were analyzed using descxriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov – Smirnov test (K–S test), Pearson Correlation, and t-test (α≤0.05)). The result of this study indicated that perception of coach’s competency correlate with athlete satisfaction significantly (r= 0.710, p=0.001). Also, perception of coach’s competency forecasts athlete satisfaction and it differed significantly by gender and type of sport. These results emphasize the necessity of noticing to athletes’ perceptions and evaluations in coaches training programs especially in individual sports. It highlights the importance of selecting competent coaches for increased athletes’ satisfaction.
#Coaching Efficacy #Coaching Effectiveness #Athlete Satisfaction Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University