GV124 : The Relationship between Role Clarity, Satisfaction and Commitment of Volunteers boy at the 13th Universities Sport Olympiad
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physical Education > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: The successful running of many sport events relay on times and effort that volunteers dedicate at them. Understanding satisfactions, organizational commitment and role clarity of these people would help events` managers to better recruit, manage and retain them. The Purpose of this study was to access the relationship between role clarity and satisfaction with the commitment of volunteers 13TH Sports Olympiad university students in the country. The research method is descxriptive - correlation. The study of all the volunteers participating in the 13TH Cultural Olympiad - Sports universities male students around the country. The statistical population consisted of Sport Volunteers at the 13TH Iranian Universities Sport Olympiad. Because of low statistical population as the sample population was considered (N=n). The research instruments were the "Role Clarity Questionnaire" (Sawyer 1992) With 16 items and 2 factors (clarity of purpose and clarity of process), "Satisfaction of Volunteers Experience Questionnaire" (Mallaei et al., 1388) comprised 31 items and 8 factors (Acquiring, Experience, Career, Material, Enhancement, Social, Protective and Commitment) and "Organizational Commitment Questionnaire" (Allen and Meyer, 1997) with 18 items and 3 factors (Normative, Affective and Continuance). The content and Face validity of the Questionnaire was confirmed by a group of university professors and expert. The reliability Of Role Clarity Questionnaire, Satisfaction of Volunteers Experience Questionnaire and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire were 0.94, 0.94 and 0.92 respectively. Method of data analysis and research, descxriptive statistics and inferential statistics to used SPSS software package was helping. Because the distribution of variables weren`t normal, the research hypothesizes were analyzed by Spearman correlation at p<0.05 and p<0.01. The result showed that there was significant positive correlation between most of role clarity and commitment factors (p<0.05). These coefficient ranged between 0.01 and 0.64. The correlation between enhancement with clarity of the process was the greatest coefficient in the meanwhile (r=0.64), there was significant and positive correlation between all of clarity and commitment factors (p<0.05). And these coefficient ranged between 0.24 and 0.57. The correlation between satisfaction of Normative factors with clarity of the process was the greatest coefficient in the meanwhile(r=0.57). And also there was significant and positive correlation between most of satisfaction and commitment factors (p<0.05). These coefficient ranged between 0.01 and 0.53. The correlation between satisfaction of experience factors with normative commitment was the greatest coefficient in the meanwhile(r=0.53).
#Role Clarity #Satisfaction #Organizational Commitment #Event Volunteer Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University