GV122 : The Relationship of Intellectual and Social Capitals with Job Satisfaction among Employees of Sports and Youth Departments of Isfahan Province, Iran
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physical Education > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Human resources are considered as a capital of the organizations. These key resources are determined capable of raising an organization as an ideal one regardless of its industry. Job Satisfaction is one of the concepts that plays a major role in enhancing the performance of human resources and determines many organizational variables. Many factors play a role in the formation of satisfaction in organizations. In general, these factors can be categorized into two categories of Individual and Organizational factors. Individual or internal factors fall within the scope of psychological explanations. In the case of organizational factors, one can point out the social capital and the intellectual capital of an individual in the organization, which plays a fundamental role in the formation of an individual's job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of intellectual and social capitals with job satisfaction among employees of sports and youth departments of Isfahan province, Iran. This was a descxriptive survey. The statistical population included all employees of sport and youth departments of Isfahan province in Iran (N=418), among whom 201 were selected by cluster random sampling method. Data were collected by intellectual capital questionnaire (Salehzadeh, 2012), social capital questionnaire (Yu, 2013) and job satisfaction questionnaire (Linz, 2003). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression test methods simultaneously. The results showed that job satisfaction has a direct and significant effect on both social capital (0.66) and intellectual capital (0.57). Findings of the research indicated the importance of the effect of intellectual and social capital on job satisfaction of the employees. Therefore, the intellectual and social capitals should be considered in policies related to sports and youth departments.
#Social Capital #Job Satisfaction #Intellectual Capital #Employees #Sports and Youth Departments Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University