TN423 : Investigation of the behavior of minerals in the Sungun processing circuit and its impact on the overall efficiency for presenting a prediction model
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2013
Ali Lotfi [Author], Mohammad Karamoozian[Supervisor], Arezoo Abedi[Supervisor]
Abstarct: Sulphid minrals show spacical behaviour in platatio process baxsed an their physical and chemical charactrestics and inveonement with other minerals.Sungun copper mine ore contains valuable minerals such as chalcopyrite, chalcocite, covellite and etc. Some associated minerals as gangues are (such as pyrite) are present in the deposit. To study the behavior of minerals in the Sungun copper processing plant, inputs and outputs of the circuit were sampled and analyzed chemically and mineralogy The weight percent of minrals in each sample was achievedthan the recovery and separation efficiency were investigated for various minerals in different sizes. In rougher flotation stage sulphide copper recovery was above 90% for all particle sizes which was more related to the chalcosit and covellite this stage chalcopyrite recovery in +53 microns and -15 microns sizes, was less than 85 percent. In cleaner stag the least recovery and separtion efficiency was occurred in +38 micron particle size which was related to the chalcopyrite and chalcocite minrals. The highest rcovery of chalcocite and chalcopyrite the(-38;+15) partice size range in all flotation procces units. finally a neural network model was presnted for investgating the ralation between copper minral weight percent and rcovery. The proposed model hold the percision coefftcent 0/866.
#Sungun #copper minerals #particle size #separation efficiency #recovery Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University