GV87 : Effects of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training with the low volume(HIIT)on the plasma adiponectin levels in adolescents with mextabolic syndrome
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physical Education > MSc > 2016
Morteza Deyranloey Kord [Author], Ali Hasani[Supervisor]
Abstarct: Introduction: Recently, investigating the effect of different training methods, especially high-intensity interval training, on risk factors of obesity has been dramatically expanded Adiponectin ,a kind of protein-baxsed hormone ,is released from adipose tissues. The importance of adiponectin as an anti-diabetes and anti-atherosclerotic hormone was emphasized . Obese people and thoes sufering from type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease (CHD )have lower blood levels of adiponectin. the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks of low-volume high-intensity interval training on serum adiponectin levels in obese young men with mextabolic syndrome. Materials and Methods: our research statistical sample were included obese children with mextabolic syndrome aged 15-17 years participating in the study After the statement was given to schools.they were selected to participate in research After the process of visiting and reviewing their terms of conditions such as having mextabolic syndrome (by taking their blood and clinical test) and not having a history of other disease. body composition measurments (body mass index, body fat, waist to hip ratio) as well as blood samples were taken 24 hours before and after the process. Samples were stored at -80 ° C .The subjects of this study were 10 obese young men (age: 16/40 ± 0/84 years, weight: 90/67 ± 7/17 kg ,height :170/76 ± 5/00 cm, body mass index(BMI): 31/10 ± 2/09 kg per square meter. ) Method of study was Quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group. The experimental group recieved a 8- week high intensity interval training ,three times a week, running with a maximum speed of just 30 seconds which was followed by a 30-second rest at a distance of 20 meters the protocol was done as progressive . the first and second week of the training protocol comprised four repetations whereas only 7 repetitions were performed in the seven and eighth week[one repeatation was added every two weeks]. blood samples were taken 24 hours before and after the process. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test was used to test whether data is normally distributed . And after it became clear that the variables were normally distributed, parametric Student's t-test was used for comparison of pre and post test results. In this study, the significance level was set at 0/05. Results: The results showed that 8 weeks of low volume HIIT increased the serum levels of Adiponectin (p=0/001) significantly in experimental groups, lipids profile BMI (p=0/001), WHR (p=0/008) , %BF (p=0/001)and The risk factors for mextabolic syndrome decreased [a decrease in TG (p=0/001) and an increase in HDL (p=0/001)] , in obese adolescents with mextabolic syndrome. Discussion: It seems that the higher mextabolic stress and energy expenditure be during the training process,owing to the need to produce more energy by energy systems, the more adiponectin is secreted. Also ,duration of workout protocol and the intensity of exercise increase blood adiponectin level. It also seems that these exercises as a non-pharmaceutical approach can have a positive effect on increasing adiponectin and reduce some health risk factors associated with obesity and mextabolic syndrome .
#low-volume #high-intensity exercise #mextabolic syndrome #adiponectin Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University