Faculty of Chemistry

Dean: Mahdi Mirzaee

Chemistry Department was established in 1994. It offers B.Sc. degree in Pure Chemistry, M.Sc. degrees in Analytical, Organic, Physical and Inorganic chemistry and Ph.D. in Inorganic, Organic and Analytical chemistry. Currently this department has 16 faculty members & over 200 undergraduate, 100 M.Sc. and 30 Ph.D. students. Each year approximately 60 undergraduates, 50 M.Sc. and 5 Ph.D. students are admitted to the School. Phone:+98-273-3395441
Tell: 02332395441
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Email: chemistry[AT]shahroodut[DOT]ac[DOT]ir

Analytical Chemistry

Ghadamali Bagherian Dehaghi
Analytical Chemistry
Rank: Associate professor

Mansour Arab Chamjangali
Analytical Chemistry
Rank: Professor

Fatemeh Masdarolomoor
Novel Nanostructured Conducting Polymer Systems
Rank: Assistant Professor

Inorganic Chemistry

Raziyeh Arabahmadi

Rank: مربی

Mahdi Mirzaee
Inorganic Chemistry
Rank: Associate Professor
[Dean of Faculty]

Organic Chemistry

Mohammad Bakherad
Organic Chemistry
Rank: Professor

Ali Keivanloo
Organic Chemistry
Rank: Professor

Hossein Nasr Isfahani
Organic Chemistry
Rank: Professor-Associated

Physical Chemistry

Mohsen Sargolzaei
Molecular dynamics simulation, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Density functional theory (DFT), Nano chemistry
Rank: Assistant Professor

Zahra Kalantar Kohdami
Physical Chemistry
Rank: Assistant of Professor

Zainab Moosavi-Tekyeh

Rank: Assistant Professor

Hosein Nikoufard
Prediction of structural factor
Rank: Assistant Professor

Vahid Keley

Rank: مربی

امین یزدانی

Rank: مربی

Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

Staff: Omid Teheri Inorganic Chemistry Lab. I & II

Physical Chemistry Laboratory

Staff: Dr. Vahid Keley Physical Chemistry Lab. 1 & 2

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Staff: Amin Yazdani Analytical Chemistry Lab. 1 & 2 & 3

Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Staff: Amirhosein Momeni Organic Chemistry Lab. 1 & 2 & 3

General Chemistry Laboratory

General Chemistry Lab. 1 & 2

Instrumental Chemistry Laboratory

Atomic Spectroscopy, Flame Photometer, Spectrophotometer U.V. Vis, HPLC, Ultrasonic, ...

Research Laboratory 1

Graduate Student Lab. Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry

Research Laboratory 2

عکس موجود نيست.

Graduate Student Lab. Inorganic Chemistry

Research Laboratory 3 & 4

Graduate Student Lab. Analytical Chemistry

Computational Chemistry Laboratory

عکس موجود نيست.

Graduate Student Lab. Theoretical Physical Chemistry

Research Laboratory 5 & 6

عکس موجود نيست.

Graduate Student Lab. Organic Chemistry
Information Google Scholar Scopus
Name Academic Rank Citations h-index i10-index Co-authors Citations h-index Documents Co-authors
Zainab Moosavi-TekyehAssistant Professor19178192
Mohsen SargolzaeiAssistant Professor83528222
Mohammad BakheradProfessor2092241431444
Fatemeh MasdarolomoorAssistant Professor3941012222
Hosein NikoufardAssistant Professor2
Ghadamali Bagherian DehaghiAssociate professor0
Esmaiel Solyemani0
Zahra Kalantar KohdamiAssistant of Professor152858118713180
Hossein Nasr IsfahaniProfessor-Associated646161905851449520
Mahdi MirzaeeAssociate Professor10511827209171849663
Ali Keivanloo Professor20482567131793241131084
Naser Goudarzi16512653814182494770
Bahram Bahramian19312753616522569950
Mansour Arab ChamjangaliProfessor218028623014032284784
Name Academic Rank Citations h-index i10-index Co-authors Citations h-index Documents Co-authors