Yaser Safari
Assistant professor Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
PhD Soil genesis and classification
University: University of Zanjan
Research Interests: Spatial statistics, Environmental pollution
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Biography (About):
I received my bachelor’s (BSc) and master’s (MSc) degrees from Shahrekord University and Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, respectively. In my MSc thesis, I worked on “Geostatistical assessing of qualitative land suitability for main irrigated crops in Shahrekord plain” under the supervision of Dr. Isa Esfandiarpoor-Boroujeni and Dr. Ardavan Kamali. I also received my PhD degree from university of Zanjan after completing the thesis entitled by “Qualitative evaluation of land suitability for rainfed wheat in soils polluted by heavy metals” under the supervision of Dr. Mohammad-Amir Delavar. I spent a 6-month sabbatical period in National University of Ireland, Galway, under the supervision of Dr. Chaosheng Zhang. My research mainly focuses on the use of geostatistical-based techniques to map the spatial distribution of environmental variables.